19 December 2010

Awesome interactive animation of the school reform in Germany

This post is unfortunately only for the German-speaking readers.

Der Politikatlas Schulreform zeigt auf eine sehr schöne und interaktive Art und Weise eine Bandbreite an Lösungsansätzen für die Schulreformdebatte.

"Die Bildungslandschaft ist ein besonders zerklüftetes und unübersichtliches Gelände. Wer sich dazu eine Meinung bilden will, verirrt sich leicht. Unser von der Vodafone Stiftung gefördertes Pilotprojekt, der POLITIKATLAS SCHULREFORM, schafft Abhilfe."

14 December 2010

Wikipedia research: The creation–evolution controversy in public education

The creation versus evolution debate in public education is mostly considered as an educational issue of the United states (Curry, 2009). Though, the last years news coverage showed that it is not exclusively an American issue, but also a widely discussed topic in European (Curry, 2009) and Islamic countries (Hameed, 2008). The Economist even states in 2007 that the creation-evolution controversy “[...] is rapidly going global.” (The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2007). That means, that many different countries wonder whether or not to include the topic ‘creationism’ in the curriculum of public schools as an addition or even instead of the topic ‘evolution’. In order to see which country votes more likely in favor of creationism, it seems interesting to look closely at the different language editions of the Wikipedia article about ‘creationism’. Therefore, this research tries to examine whether the length of an article about creationism is related to the ranking which shows the different views on human evolution in various countries. Further, it is investigated whether the language editions of countries that more likely believe in creationism contain criticism in their articles, and whether the English language version is written by biased authors.


Which language edition of Wikipedia has the most developed/comprehensive article about ‘creationism’?
Which language edition of Wikipedia contains criticism in their article about ‘creationism’?

Looking at the English language version:
Which country is the most dominant on the history page of the article about creationism? That means, who makes the most edits?
Which Wikipedia contributor edited the most and what is his/her position referring to the creation-evolution debate?


Making a list of comparable countries:

In order to compare countries that more likely believe in evolution with countries that less likely believe in evolution, the following ranking will be used (Miller et al., 2006):

This ranking shows 34 countries and their response to the statement “Human beings, as we know them, developed from earlier species of animals” (Miller et al., 2006). The response options were: true, false or not sure.

The data shows that Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, France and Japan are five countries where people responded to the statement most likely with the answer ‘true’. In contrast to Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, United States and Turkey, where people responded least likely with the answer ‘true’. Ergo, the following language editions of Wikipedia are compared:

Wikipedia offers no Icelandic article about creationism. Therefore, Norway (Norwegian/Norsk-bokmal) will be included in the comparison, which is the seventh highest ranked country.

Cyprus has two official languages, Turkish and Greek. The Turkish language edition will be examined as a representative for Turkey. Therefore, Greek will be included because Greece is the seventh lowest ranked country.

The United States do not have an exclusive Wikipedia article because Wikipedia articles are sorted by their language. That means, that it is not possible to make a distinction between the United States and the United Kingdom for example, which is the sixth highest ranked country. Therefore, Bulgaria will be included, the sixth lowest ranked country.

Word count:

In order to examine the amount of words, to see which article is the most or least developed one, all texts in each article were selected. These texts were then copied and pasted into a Numbers document because this software has a ‘word count’ feature.

The result of the word count for each language article were then entered into the Bubble lines tool. This tool produces relative sized bubbles which represent the various language articles.

Absence/Presence of criticism:

In order to check whether criticism is absent or present in a certain Wikipedia article, the Wikipedia entry check tool was used. This tool offers two boxes: the top box is for the title of the article or the full Wikipedia URL, and the bottom box is for the key words/phrases.

The tool does not translate automatically the keywords that are related to the language edition. That means, that it was necessary to translate the keyword ‘criticism’ into several languages using the Mac Language Translator.

English language version:

The English language version of the Wikipedia article about creationism does not represent one particular English speaking country. So it is not possible, as already mentioned, to make a distinction between the United States and United Kingdom, Australia, etc. But it is possible to examine which country and which editor edited the most. So in order to study the Wikipedia history and localize the IP, the Wikipedia Edits Scraper and IP Localizer tool was used. This tool is able to ‘scrape’ the whole edit history for a specific Wikipedia article and to find the geo-location of an IP address when there is no user name given. Then, the location of the last two years were ranked to see which country is the most dominant one.

In addition to the examination of the most dominant countries, the contributors  were studied with the highest amount of edits of the creationism article. This study was made with the help of Wikipedia’s own database of tools. One of the tools shows a ranking with all contributors of a particular article, ranked by their amount of edits. It also indicates when the last and the first edit was made, but this was of no interest for this research. More important were five contributors who made the most changes in the article. These five contributors were then examined through their profile pages to see what kind of position they have, i.e. whether they are pro or contra evolution. This gives an overview of the absence or presence of neutrality of the authors.


Word count:

The results of the word count for each language article are as followed: English (9503)
Japanese (6504), French (5477), Swedish (3764), Danish (1727), Norwegian (664), Greek (387), Lithuanian (361), Turkish (286), Bulgarian (169), Latvian (16)

This image shows that the highest ranked countries (Japan, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway) have the most developed articles of the various language Wikipedias. Further, it is obvious that the lowest ranked countries (Greece, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia) have the least amount of words. The English language article has by far the most developed article compared to all other countries which were tested during this research.

Absence/Presence of criticism:

This table presents which Wikipedia language edition does or does not contain criticism. It is clear that the more likely people of a certain country voted in favor of evolution the more  likely does criticism appear in the article. That means, that four (Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Norway) of the highest ranked countries presented criticism in their language version, except of the French article. And four (Greece, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia) of the lowest ranked countries presented no criticism, except of the Turkish article.

English language version:

Examining the last two years to see which country was the most active one recently, shows the following results: people of the United States edited the article about creationism by far the most, the second most dominant editor are the people from the United Kingdom, the third is Canada, the fourth is Australia and the fifth is surprisingly Germany. The result of this examination is that the people of the United States are the most active contributors in the last two years. The question which raises as a conclusion of this result is: What is the position of the contributors? Are they standing in favor of the theory of creationism and intelligent design?

So looking at the five most active users demonstrates that the majority can be affiliated to supporters of creationism. In detail: The five most active users are Joshua P. Schroeder (203 edits), Rossnixon (145), Hrafn (133), Dave Souza (116), Ungtss (109). The user Joshua P. Schroeder can be seen as the only explicit opponent of the belief in creationism because of his extensive definition of pseudoscience where he shows his position against the promotion of pseudoscience, such as creationism for instance. Hrafn, who did not make clear point on his profile page, stated later in a comment that he is not believing in creationism or Intelligent Design. The rest of the active users can be attributed to creationism: Rossnixon wrote on his profile “This user believes in intelligent design or creationism”(http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Rossnixon, retrieved December 9, 2010); Dave Souza said that he is interested in the history of creationism and is fascinated with the great intelligent design con (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Dave_souza, retrieved December 9, 2010); Ungtss does not claim to believe in either evolution nor creationism on his profile but he shows interest in theistic realism, which is a justification for intelligent design, and in other strongly Christian-related topics, such as ‘Genealogies of Genesis’, ‘Baraminology’, ‘Creation Science’, ‘Dipolar theism’, etc. (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Ungtss, retrieved December 9, 2010).  This demonstrates that the most active users do not write with a neutral point of view, four of the five editors are biased.


As already written in the assignment description of the subject ‘Digital methods’, it is difficult to examine controversial issues due to Wikipedias policy of a “neutral point of view”. Most of the controversial topics can be found on ‘forked’ articles where criticism is presented, e.g. the article on creationism and the forked article ‘Creation-evolution controversy’. Though, it is obvious that countries where people believe less in evolution and more in creationism, show less criticism in their language version.

Another difficulty is to draw a conclusion from the article size. In this case, all the countries that were ranked highly in Miller’s et al. (2006) comparison, have the highest amount of words included in their language version. But does that mean that the more words an article contains, the more likely they believe in evolution? No. There could be many other factors that give a reason for this result, e.g. size of the country/amount of citizens, presence of a more famous encyclopedia, etc. So in order to measure the real position of a country regarding creationism, it is necessary to use other sources than the collaboratively authored online encyclopedia ‘Wikipedia’.


Curry, A. (2009). Creationist beliefs persist in Europe. Science, 323(5918), 1159. DOI: 10.1126/science.323.5918.1159

Hameed, S. (2008). Bracing for Islamic Creationism. Science, 322(5908), 1637-1638. DOI: 10.1126/science.1163672

N.A. (2007, April 19). In the beginning: The debate over creation and evolution, once most conspicuous in America, is fast going global. The Economist. Retrieved December 8, 2010, from http://www.economist.com

Miller, J.D., Scott, E.C., & Okamoto, S. (2006). Public acceptance of evolution. Science, 313(5788), 765-766. DOI: 10.1126/science.1126746

07 December 2010

Cross-spherical analysis of educational issues

With this post I am presenting my results of the New Media Research: Digital methods' assignment.


Almost all debates about education presented by the media are discussing educational problems (Dekkers & Meijnen, 2003), like school dropouts, youth violence, inequalities between ‘white’ and ‘black’ students and many more. If someone experiences somewhere in the society a problem, then mostly it is attributed to the malfunction of the education system, and solutions must be found in education because education forms the youth (Dekkers & Meijnen, 2003). So schools, or rather education in general are often a focal point of the society: Students demand the guarantee that they will get a job after they finished school; the government thinks that schools must form their students into responsible citizens; the economy is looking for qualified future employees; and also parents have certain claims for schools (Dekkers & Meijnen, 2003). That means that the influence of the society on schools is manifold.

But also the documentation of media of this influence is manifold and could have an influence on the society (Slater, 2007). Online newspapers and magazines write for example about current educational issues, bloggers try to find solution for certain issues in education, search engines provide their users with many definitions of for instance ADHD or dyslexia, and vice versa. Other media like television, radio, books, etc. also report about this particular topic but they are not of interest for this research. Moreover, this research tries to study the importance of several educational issues mentioned online and compares the sources which were returned by three different spheres for the same query. During this research the following spheres will be compared: the blogosphere (using Google Blog search), the newssphere (using Google News search), and the websphere (using Google Web search).


Which educational issue is the most prominent one according to the blogosphere, the web, and the news?
Are there differences between the spheres according to the hierarchy of educational issues?


Making a list of educational issues:

The list of educational issues comes from two sources. The first source is the book about educational science [Onderwijskunde] written by Verloop and Lowyck (2003). This book describes the following educational issues:
  • bullying
  • attendance
  • “school dropouts”
  • “learning disabilities”
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • dyslexia
  • “teacher shortage”
  • “education reform”
  • “class size”
  • inequality (referring to socioeconomic status, countries, sex, religous background, origin, etc.)
This list was enriched with other educational issues using the Wikipedia category of education issues. Not all issues were added because some of them refers to problems at universities and others were specific for a certain country, for instance ‘Kyoiku mama’, a Japanese name for a very ambitious mother, ‘Ragging in Sri Lanka’ or ‘Textbooks in Israel’, or were not a real educational issue, e.g. ‘James Garbarino’ or ‘Haidbauer incident’. So the added issues are:
  • “school uniform”
  • drugs
  • “sex education” (not part of Wikipedia’s list but mentioned in many news articles and therefore seen as relevant)
Within this list you will find ADHD and dyslexia - two learning disabilities, which is also a search term for educational issues. Though, these two disabilities are added to the list to get a detailed overview of which disability is more often mentioned in the spheres.

Cross-spherical analysis:

Querying the websphere using Google Web search
  1. The top hundred results for the search term “educational issues” using Google Web search were collected and pasted into the Harvester tool in order to get the extracted URLs from the search engine results.
  2. These top hundred URLs of returns for the query “educational issues” were then copied and pasted into the top text box of Googlescraper (Lippmannian Device) tool. The list of educational issues were placed (one per line) into the bottom text box of the tool: “educational issue” + “issue x”.
  3. After using the Googlescraper, a ranking of the educational issues by number of mentions by single URLs in the top hundred is presented for the comparison with other spheres.
Querying the newssphere using Google News search
  1. The top hundred results for the search term “educational issues” using Google News search were collected and pasted into the Harvester tool in order to get the extracted URLs from the search engine results.
  2. These top hundred URLs of returns for the query “educational issues” were then copied and pasted into the top text box of Googlescraper (Lippmannian Device) tool. The list of educational issues were placed (one per line) into the bottom text box of the tool: “educational issue” + “issue x”.
  3. After using the Googlescraper, a ranking of the educational issues by number of mentions by single URLs in the top hundred is presented for the comparison with other spheres.
Querying the blogosphere using Google Blog search
  1. The top hundred results for the search term “educational issues” using Google Blog search were collected and pasted into the Harvester tool in order to get the extracted URLs from the search engine results.
  2. These top hundred URLs of returns for the query “educational issues” were then copied and pasted into the top text box of Googlescraper (Lippmannian Device) tool. The list of educational issues were placed (one per line) into the bottom text box of the tool: “educational issue” + “issue x”.
  3. After using the Googlescraper, a ranking of the educational issues by number of mentions by single URLs in the top hundred is presented for the comparison with other spheres.

Google Web results:

The ranking of the thirteen educational issues, starting with the least mentioned and ending with the most often mentioned issue.

"school uniform" (46) 
"school dropout" (62)
"teacher shortage" (81)
"learning disability" (153)
"class size" (360)   
dyslexia (369)  
ADHD (394) 
"sex education" (624)
bullying (680) 
"education reform" (712)  
inequality (898)  
attendance (1097)
drugs (1662)  

These results show that there is a prominent issue in education, viz. drugs. The least favoring issue is school uniform. There is also not a strong favoring of one of the two learning disabilities; dyslexia was 369 times mentioned and ADHD 394 times.

Google News results:

The ranking of the thirteen educational issues, starting with the least mentioned and ending with the most often mentioned issue.

"school uniform" (9)
"teacher shortage" (19)
"learning disability" (22)
"school dropout" (26)
dyslexia (33)
"sex education" (42) 
ADHD (49)
inequality (76)
"class size" (144)
bullying (165)
"education reform" (250)
attendance (253)
drugs (386)

These results show that there is a prominent issue in education, viz. drugs. The least favoring issue is school uniform. There is also not a strong favoring of one of the two learning disabilities; dyslexia was 33 times mentioned and ADHD 49 times.

Google Blog results:

The ranking of the thirteen educational issues, starting with the least mentioned and ending with the most often mentioned issue.

"school dropout" (22)
"school uniform" (38)
"teacher shortage" (65)
"learning disability" (136)
inequality (162)
"class size" (203)
"education reform" (316)
"sex education" (400)
dyslexia (401)
ADHD (552)
attendance (624)
bullying (683)
drugs (772)

These results show that there is a prominent issue in education, viz. drugs. The least favoring issue is school dropout. There is a favoring of one of the two learning disabilities; dyslexia was 401 times mentioned but ADHD 552 times.

Cross-spherical analysis:

All spheres show more or less a conformity of their results. The educational issues ‘drug’ and ‘attendance’ were in all spheres the most important issues. Whereas ‘school dropout’, ‘school uniform’, and ‘teacher shortage’ were one of the least prominent issues.

All spheres also have an obvious range between the least and the most favorite issue in education. But the websphere has the most extreme range between 46 (school uniform) and 1662 (drugs).

All spheres do not extremely favor one of the two learning disabilities, ADHD and dyslexia.  However, ADHD is always more often mentioned than dyslexia.


The list of educational issues is neither complete nor defined for a certain country or group of age. That means, to gain a full overview of educational issues, it would be necessary on the one hand to add more issues (which you can find on Wikipedia Category: Education issues, see 1) and on the other hand to remove sub-issues, like ADHD and dyslexia because they are both learning disabilities. Further, it would be necessary to specify the educational issues for one particular country, group of age, and for only teachers or only student-related issues.

Another problems is that some of the educational issues could be also described with other words, e.g. instead of bullying the terms school violence, hazing, harassment, etc. could be used, or instead of ‘teacher shortage’ the term ‘student-teacher ratio’ could be used.

The most prominent issue in education seems to be drugs, following the search results of the spheres. But it is rather unclear whether these drugs are taken or sold at schools or whether this is a problem of students who take this drugs at home which affects their performance at school. It is also not clear what kind of drugs these spheres are talking about. Drugs, broadly speaking, are substances that change normal bodily functions. So this issue could be about medical drugs, e.g. prescribed drugs for ADHD, or it could be about illegal drugs. That means that it is important for further studies to define precisely the educational issues in order to draw better conclusions.


Dekkers, H. & Meijnen, W. (2003). Onderwijs in de maatschappelijke context [Education in the     social context]. In: N. Verloop & J. Lowyck (Eds.), Onderwijskunde (pp. 15-61). Groningen, the Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff.

Slater, M.D. (2007). Reinforcing Spirals: The Mutual Influence of Media Selectivity and Media Effects and Their Impact on Individual Behavior and Social Identity. Communication Theory, 17(3), 281-303. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2885.2007.00296.x

Verloop, N. & Lowyck, J. (2003). Onderwijskunde [Educational Science]. Groningen, the Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff.